What is the process of intermediary contract?
The procedure for concluding an intermediary contract is: 1. The parties conclude a contract in written, oral or other forms; 2, offer and acceptance, the parties reached an agreement on the main terms; 3. A contract concluded in accordance with the law shall take effect upon its establishment. Article 469 of the Civil Code of People's Republic of China (PRC), the parties may conclude a contract in written form, oral form or other forms. Written form refers to contracts, letters, telegrams, telexes, faxes and other forms that can tangibly express the contents contained. A data message that can tangibly express its content through electronic data interchange, e-mail, etc. , and can be retrieved at any time, are considered in writing. Article 961 An intermediary contract is a contract in which the intermediary reports to the client the opportunity to conclude a contract or provides media services for concluding a contract, and the client pays the remuneration.