In the process of rising, especially in the late sprint stage, high turnover rate is easy to change hands, or after a long period of sideways turnover, the main funds have achieved satisfactory returns, but there may be some stocks left in their hands that can be sold regardless of the price, so they will fall faster. It can be considered that the energy of chasing up and down has similar influence on stock price fluctuation, so the gap of the main force is caused by the operation of the main fund.
Without the main capital operation of stocks, it is difficult to have a decent increase. In the big bear market, some big funds will flee to invest with better returns. In this case, the average stock either does not have a long-term negative decline, and it will die when it encounters a bad market. Nobody did much anyway. Youzhuang's stock will engage in band, but smart funds will consider changing hands when they go up. As soon as the big bear market fell, it became unpopular.