1, not greedy for wealth is an idiom in China, and the pinyin is bùtāNWéIB?o, which means that not greedy is precious and noble, and it also means honest and upright.
Source: Song people may get jade and offer their sons. Zi Han is suffering. The person who sent the jade said, "I want to show it to the jade people, who think it is precious, so they dare to send it." Zi Han said: "What I value is not greed; I regard jade as a treasure. If I cherish jade with me, I will lose my treasure. If people have their treasure. " He bowed his head and said to me, "I am a villain and I can't cross the country, so I beg for death." The son is rarely put in it, so that Yumin can attack it and recover after making a fortune.
A man in Song got a piece of jade and gave it to Zi Han, but Zi Han didn't accept it. The jade giver said, "I showed it to the jade carver. The person who carves jade thinks it is a treasure, and the villain dares to give it to you. " Zi Han said to the man, "I value the quality of not being greedy, and you value this jade.
If you give me this jade, we will all lose our treasure. Let's all continue to have our own treasures. "The jade giver saluted and said," I dare not go out because I am pregnant with this jade. I want to hand over this treasure jade and beg it to save me from death. After hearing this, Zi Han put the jade in the village and asked the person who carved it to carve it for him, so that he could return to his original place after he became rich.
Moon on the ice is a Chinese word, and its pinyin is běng kǔn qi Yuè. Metaphor is a person's moral integrity. Su Song's poem "To Pangu": "The cloth shirt is as black as a turtle, so it won't harm the autumn moon."
3. Honesty and integrity is a word, and the pinyin is q and qěng Lián zhèng zhí, which means innocence and integrity. Sun Yuan Zhang asked the murderer himself in the third fold of Looking for the Headscarf, no matter ~, it is better to be silly.
4. Honesty and integrity is an idiom in China, pronounced as liá n jié fè ng g not ng, which means being honest but not greedy, faithfully performing public duties and serving the public wholeheartedly. Adhering to honesty is the essential requirement of practicing "Theory of Three Represents" and the eternal theme of administration according to law. After the reform and opening up, the party and the state devoted themselves to the construction of democratic politics and used laws to restrain the behavior of public officials.
5. Honesty is an idiom in China, pronounced as Jie jǐcóng g not ng, which means to keep yourself clean and engage in public affairs wholeheartedly. Use "lead an honest and clean life" "Commander's Order of Hubei Military Government in Wuchang Uprising of the Revolution of 1911": "At that time, Hubei was not only financially abundant, but all comrades were honest and self-employed, and ordnance bullets were also available."