In some cases, bull can also be interpreted as "_", because "_ _" refers to a group of people or animals crowded together to form a crowded situation. Therefore, we can see that in some game programs or variety shows in which the audience participates, the host will say "Please line up together" when arranging the programs, that is, all the participants will be lined up in a line and closely connected, presenting a cohesive and United image.
Bull also has a special usage, especially as a futures contract in financial markets. The commonly used financial futures markets in the world include Chicago Stock Exchange and the New York Mercantile Exchange. Bull is used to indicate that the futures price of the trading brand is expected to rise. In contrast, there is a bear, which represents the expectation of falling futures prices. In the financial market, cows or bears are often widely used by all kinds of people, including investors, traders, researchers, analysts, economists and so on. These two words are often talked about in the financial industry.