It is a good thing for college students to be divided into stages, but it is still recommended to consider it carefully! Because you have to pay the loan every month. Therefore, please make sure that you have a financial plan before buying. And now there are a lot of installment shopping, and some of them are weak! Of course, we don't judge heroes by their strength, but every company will bear the pressure of cash flow. Therefore, if you choose an unreliable institution, you are likely to call your parents for dunning! This kind of thing is not a bad thing, but it is not good for parents to be so open-minded and cause unnecessary family conflicts. I know a little about the priority period you mentioned, and it's still good! At least I haven't heard of any disputes. I've been delaying repayment and haven't taken any drastic measures! But gave a one-month buffer period!
All the above are my own experiences as an experienced person, so I forgot to adopt them!