Classification by investment object: stock funds refer to investment funds that invest in stocks (the proportion of stock investment accounts for more than 60%); Bond funds refer to investment funds that invest in bonds (bond investment accounts for more than 80%); Hybrid fund means that the investment ratio of stocks and bonds is between the above two types of funds, which can be flexibly adjusted; Money market funds refer to short-term money market securities, such as treasury bills, negotiable certificates of deposit of large banks, commercial papers and corporate bonds. QDII fund is a securities investment fund established in a country and approved by the relevant departments of the country to engage in securities investment business such as stocks and bonds in overseas capital markets. In addition, according to different investment styles, equity funds are divided into growth funds, value funds and hybrid funds. Growth stock fund refers to the fund that mainly invests in growth stocks with fast income growth and great future development potential; Value stock funds refer to funds that mainly invest in undervalued and safer stocks. The risk of value stock funds is lower than that of growth stock funds, and the risk of hybrid stock funds is somewhere in between. Classification by investment objective: growth funds refers to the securities investment fund that invests in listed stocks or other securities with good growth potential by pursuing long-term appreciation and profit of assets. Income fund refers to a securities investment fund whose basic goal is to pursue high current returns and whose main investment target is securities that can bring stable returns. Balanced fund refers to a securities investment fund with the basic goal of ensuring capital security, current income distribution and long-term growth of capital income, and paying more attention to the combination of long-term and short-term income and risk in the portfolio.