Why can't convertible bonds be bought?
1 No permission to open convertible bonds. In this case, investors can find the opening right of convertible bonds in the business handling options, and open the trading right of convertible bonds through knowledge evaluation and agreement signing.
2 Frequent abandonment, resulting in the inability to purchase convertible bonds for a certain period of time. According to the relevant regulations of the Exchange, if an online investor is given up by lottery for three times (including full and partial abandonment) within 12 months in a row, he shall not participate in the online subscription of new shares and bonds within 180 days (including the next day) from the day after his last giving up.
In addition, there are some types of convertible bonds that need to open stock trading rights in specific markets. For example, the convertible bonds of GEM need to be opened for stock trading rights before they can be converted into shares.