Minsheng Plus Banking Financial Monthly is provided by Minsheng Plus Banking Fund Company, and its main investment direction is fixed expected annualized expected income tools such as bank deposits and short-term bonds. Seven-day historical expected annualized expected rate of return investment threshold: 1000 yuan; Investment period: 1 month.
Wechat financial management has always been very low-key and regularly adds money to people's livelihood. After the end of the internal testing phase, the products have been open to the public, and they are open for purchase on time every working day morning 10.
Suitable for the crowd: WeChat Minsheng Plus Bank is a monthly regular product, and investors must be prepared to "use money in no hurry". After purchase, the product cannot be redeemed as long as it enters the closed period, so the liquidity is not as high as other babies. This product is suitable for investors who don't need money urgently in the short term.
Is there any risk in the monthly financial management of Minsheng Plus Bank?
Minsheng Canada Bank is a bond fund product provided by Minsheng Canada Bank every month. The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including cash, call deposits, bank time deposits and certificates of deposit within one year, bonds with remaining maturity within 397 days, asset-backed securities and medium-term notes.
The investment scope of the Fund is similar to that of the Monetary Fund. It does not directly buy equity assets such as stocks and warrants in the secondary market, nor does it participate in the subscription and issuance of new shares in the primary market. The risk is low and the possibility of loss is small. But it does not mean zero risk, and investors still need to be cautious.
What is the monthly expected annualized expected income of Minsheng Plus Banking Financial Management?
Compared with ordinary wealth management products, the 7-day historical expected annualized expected return of this wealth management product has the advantage of expected annualized expected return.
On the 7th of each month, the historical annualized and expected annualized expected income trend of Minsheng Bank Plus Financial Management.