1. What is fund repurchase?
Simply speaking, fund repurchase means that the fund or fund manager buys back its fund share from the fund holder. The repurchase price is usually the net fund value or slightly higher than the net fund value. Fund repurchase can be active or passive. Active repurchase refers to the active repurchase of funds or fund managers, and passive repurchase refers to the repurchase of funds or fund managers after the request of fund investors.
Second, how to buy a fund repurchase?
For fund repurchase, investors can * * through the following * *:
1. On the fund * * * or the third-party fund sales platform * *: On the fund * * * or the third-party fund sales platform, investors can inquire about the product information, net value, expenses and other information of the fund repurchase and conduct * *.
2. In securities * * * *: Investors can buy back products in their securities accounts. In securities * *, it is more convenient to know the situation of fund products, and carry out * * and redemption.
3. In banks * *: In some banks, products can also be repurchased by * * funds. Investors can conduct * * through bank outlets, mobile banking and other channels.
3. Do I need to open an account with securities?
* * Do you need to open an account with securities for fund repurchase? The answer is yes. Because fund repurchase belongs to fund products, and fund products can only be carried out after the securities account is opened. When opening an account, you need to provide information such as identity certificate and bank account number, and some securities also need to be risk assessed.
Fourth, matters needing attention
Investors need to know some precautions to avoid risks before buying back * * funds. Specifically including:
1. Understand the background and reputation of the fund * * or fund manager, and choose a fund * * or fund manager with good reputation and stable performance.
2. Understand the product information of fund repurchase, including the type of fund, investment strategy, cost, etc. , choose the fund product that suits you.
3. Pay attention to the change of fund net value and adjust investment strategy in time.
4. Pay attention to risks. The risk of fund repurchase is similar to other fund products. Investors need to understand the risks of fund repurchase, such as market risk and credit risk.
In short, fund repurchase is a kind of investment and financial management. Investors can buy back products through funds, securities and banks. * * You need to know relevant information, pay attention to risks, and choose a fund or fund manager with good reputation and stable performance to invest.