Basic personal information Ms. Zhang is 30 years old and works in a state-owned enterprise in Hunan. Her husband also works in a state-owned enterprise.
The total annual income of Ms. Zhang's family is 180,000 yuan. The household expenses are as follows: living expenses 130,000 yuan/year, housing mortgage repayment 40,000 yuan/year, and other odds and ends expenses of about 14,000 yuan/year.
Ms. Zhang's family currently has 10,000 bank demand deposits and 20,000 bank time deposits. The current market value of the property is 300,000 and the outstanding loan is 100,000.
At present, both parents of the family are still alive. Ms. Zhang’s parents are retired from state-owned enterprises and have some security, but not much. Ms. Zhang’s husband’s parents live in rural areas and do not have any pension insurance.
Ms. Zhang’s family purchase of commercial insurance: In 2000, she purchased a 20-year participating insurance for herself, with a guaranteed amount of RMB 40,000; in 2004, she purchased a 30-year women’s insurance and a 20-year medical insurance; in 2006, she purchased a 10-year participating insurance.
Ms. Zhang’s husband’s insurance status: He purchased 20-year medical insurance in 2004. The employer has medical insurance, pension insurance, and unemployment insurance.
The main financial management goals of Ms. Zhang’s family are as follows: 1. Hope to manage finances reasonably and purchase a car worth less than 100,000 yuan within two years.
2. Invest reasonably to achieve an annual rate of return of 20%.
3. I plan to have a baby within two years and hope to send my baby to study abroad in the future.
4. Both parents are elderly and neither has commercial insurance. I hope to solve the protection problem of both parents.
Financial Planning Suggestions Ms. Zhang is 30 years old and is in the take-off stage of her career. Her family income is expected to increase, and her family needs to start gradually accumulating wealth.
At this time, the family's risk tolerance is strong, but it needs to reasonably allocate various assets of the family, including current assets, investment assets, fixed assets, etc. You can try higher-risk investments to obtain higher returns, in order to achieve wealth as quickly as possible
value added.
In addition, the family is facing the birth of children during the growth period, and the family's expected consumption power will increase. Ms. Zhang's family should make a childbirth plan in advance.
Analysis of family financial situation Ms. Zhang’s family has an annual income of 180,000 yuan and annual expenses of 184,000 yuan. The family has no savings every year and cannot make ends meet.
One of the issues that Ms. Zhang needs to solve urgently is to make a good budget for daily household expenses and control the family's excessive consumption behavior.
Ms. Zhang's family does not have the habit of keeping accounts, so she suggests that she consider starting to keep accounts, using EXCEL tables or professional financial management software such as Caizhi Family Financial Management Software to record daily fixed expenses and specific food expenses, transportation expenses, phone calls, etc.
Detailed classification and automatic generation of recent consumption analysis charts, various expense ratio tables, etc.
In this way, being aware of every account will help you find the big secret of family overspending and prescribe the right medicine.
In addition, the annual household savings needs to reach 40% of the income. We call this ratio the household savings ratio. It is normal for the savings ratio to be above 40%.
The distribution of assets of Ms. Zhang’s family: bank deposits of 30,000 yuan, open-end funds with a market value of 20,000 yuan, mortgaged properties with a market value of 300,000 yuan, and a loan of 100,000 yuan that has not yet been repaid.
From the assets and liabilities of Ms. Zhang's family, we can see that the proportion of Ms. Zhang's family's real estate in total assets has reached 86%. The liquidity of her family's assets is seriously insufficient, and the potential financial crisis is relatively serious.
Financial investment assets (open-end funds) account for about 6% of total assets, and bank deposits account for 8% of total assets. The re-appreciation ability of household idle funds is very poor, and the proportion of investment assets is insufficient.
Generally speaking, families should own a certain proportion of financial assets. The most time-saving and labor-saving way is to increase the value of the family's idle funds through investment.
Looking at it now, Ms. Zhang's family financial assets are far from enough, and her ability to generate "money" from idle funds is very poor.
The liquidity ratio is the ratio of the part of a household's assets that can be quickly converted into cash without loss (cash, demand deposits, etc.) to the household's monthly expenditure. This ratio reflects whether the household has enough emergency funds to cope with emergencies.
This ratio must be at least greater than 3, and a ratio between 3 and 6 is more reasonable.
That is to say, it is usually said that a family needs to keep a cash deposit of 3 to 6 times of monthly expenditure, so as to ensure that in the event of an unexpected event, there will be cash for at least 3 to 6 months of living expenses.
Since Ms. Zhang’s family still has housing repayment expenses, we suggest that this ratio is 5, which is more appropriate.
In other words, Ms. Zhang's family needs to maintain a liquidity of 77,000 yuan for emergencies.
Ms. Zhang's family's current liquidity (including open-end funds) is RMB 50,000, leaving a funding gap of more than RMB 10,000.
Family security situation.
Judging from the commercial insurance currently purchased by Ms. Zhang’s family, Ms. Zhang is quite aware of insurance protection.
Ms. Zhang is currently 30 years old and can consider regular insurance such as term life insurance, critical illness insurance, and medical health insurance.
When the family wealth accumulation is not large, participating insurance can be purchased appropriately.
After all, insurance is for financial compensation in the event of an accident or misfortune, and cannot be used as a means of investment.
In addition, Ms. Zhang’s husband’s insurance protection should be appropriately strengthened. It is more appropriate for the family’s insurance expenditure to account for 5% of the family’s annual income.