It's Xing Sa's child. At that time, Xuan Zhilin stayed in the palace to protect Wen Qing Chuan and his responsibility to Xing Sa. At that time, Xing Sa wanted to put souvenirs of Xing Lin Foundation in Xuan Zhilin's jewelry box, but found Zhimian amber, and then thought that Xuan Zhilin and Wen Qing Chuan had an intersection. Xuan Zhilin explained that he said, "What I have been trying to do for a long time is-" Then Xing Sa was very excited and gave Xuan Zhilin a deep kiss, and then Xuan Zhilin was picked up by Xing Sa (I don't want to explain it in detail, I believe the landlord understands). After that, Xuan Zhilin became pregnant, and neither she nor others knew it. It was finally that Xuan Zhilin jumped off the building and was found out in the hospital.
She has always loved Wen Qing Chuan, and it is her responsibility as a princess to stay with Xing Sa.