"Carrying the dead" means が分かんなかった.
Is it too late to die?
うーん. 书いてみるか. でも知ってどうするんだろう?
Japan's "労働Standard Law" and "労働本法" are legal and 労働者 are very powerful and protected by にあります.
It is necessary to do things with reluctance, Japan's standard law, Japan's basic law, and the protection of those who are in need. The world is the same as the law. On the corporate side, it is not a legal thing, it is a legal thing, it is a personal person, it is a Japanese person (または, a Japanese person who lives in Japan, it is a foreigner), it is a happy person.
In the past, Japan was a poor country in the period of poverty,
「法は法, 见実は前実だ」
と, 剑前と本音を使い分け , the law is the same as the law.
しかし、そんな日は 20 years ago and the end of the year. Currently, small and medium-sized enterprises are subject to the "Correction Standards Act" and regulations related to compliance with the Compliance Act of 2017.
そんな法の一つに、「犴 Disaster Protection Law」があります. The employment of employees is not necessary, and the government's transportation of employees is special protection and "disaster protection" is necessary. It is compulsory to join the ですあり, よほど zero detail enterprise でなければ入っています.
The Natural Disaster Protection Law (formally known as the "Violent Disaster Compensation Protection Law")
http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/S22/S22HO050. html
■ Disaster protection and protection payment
Times of disaster protection.
The basics of passing the death of the deceased and surviving the family には
"Survivor Compensation Pension"
ですね. The annual harvest is about 1/3 to 1/2, and the harvest is done every year.
The average rent for Japanese people is 5 million yen. The person who passed away is a middle-aged man who is dead, and a man who is worth 5 million to 10 million is a lot of money.
15 yen (JPY) = 1 yen (CHY), the annual income is 300,000 yen (CHY) ~ 600,000 yen, the bereaved family pension is 100,000 yen per year (CHY) )~300,000 yuan?
The above is the "statutory" (mandatory and obligatory) bereaved family pension.
これとは比に、多くの人は 10 million yen ~ 30 million yen level is a private life insurance company that joins しています. 10 million yen or 6 million yen (CHY)? これは Join していれば必ず贳えます.
Join any of the とは语っても, the club's welfare staff, and the welfare and health students のためにjoin the してくれていることも多いです. The government's disaster protection system is a company-owned enterprise independent system.
Updates, "death of a businessman", "death of an employee", improper behavior of a company, "civil law" and "civil litigation"す.
The possibility of winning the lawsuit is very high.
(1) 元気に生きていれば家げたはずのprofit loss
(2) Suddenly a family’s center のおfather さんをlost っ The sorrow of the family is the material for expressing gratitude
The center of the family is the heart of the family.
The calculation method of lost profits is based on the calculation method of self-dividing and adjustment.
Japan's referee はとても遅いので、ほとんどのoccasion は実interiorにはadjudicationをwaitたずに说(お mutual いの语し合いでconditionsをdeterminationめて Reconciliationすること)になるでしょう .
それでも小なくとも10 million yen (6 million yuan) ぐらいは会社から贳うんじゃないでしょうかね.
The amount of money that remains is the amount of money that remains.
(1) Catastrophic disaster insurance payment: Amount of one-year-old ordinary disaster insurance
(2) Self-divided and joined-up life insurance company’s annuity, etc.: Amount of pension. The house is built.
(3) Compensation from the club: No amount. The house is built.
いくら日本の物価がものすごく高くても, まぁ十多木らせるでしょう.
特に、(2)や(3)がもらえたoccasionは、そのお金で家をconstructionてたりマンションをBUYったりして、その后は(1)のincomeで木らせば家rent が要らずかなりyuyu のある木らしになりそうです.
It's a happy ending.
Who is the golden person?
Suicide is a person, a spirit is a person, a spirit is a person. The cause of the problem is the reason for the problem, and the cause of the problem is the spiritual reason.
The above があなたが知りたかったことでしょうか