The Hang Seng Index LOF can also provide a better investment strategy by using strategic trading. This means that the fund management team will use technical analysis and fundamental analysis to decide when to buy or sell stocks. Such a strategy can help investors get higher returns at different stages of the stock market and better control risks. In addition, the management team of the fund can also use over-the-counter transactions to expand the portfolio and better meet the needs of investors.
Want to invest in the Hong Kong stock market, but don't have enough time or resources to conduct detailed research? Hang Seng Index LOF may be your ideal choice. The fund can provide investors with sufficient information about the Hong Kong stock market, and at the same time provide investors with convenient trading and portfolio. Investors don't need to worry about not knowing the stock market or other risks related to OTC funds, because LOF fund managers will handle these problems for them. In addition, LOF funds can be purchased off-site and traded on the exchange, which means that investors can buy and sell with little or no extra off-site fees.