PS poster production tutorial and picture PS poster production tutorial are as follows: Material preparation: Dell Inspiron15, Win10LTSC1809, Photoshop2020.
The operation is as follows: 1. Create a poster canvas, open Photoshop, click "New" to open "New Document", click "Poster" under the "Artwork and Illustrations" tab, and click "Create" to create a new poster canvas.
2. To create a poster background, click "File" - "Insert Embedded Object" to open the resource manager, select the picture and insert it into the canvas, press Ctrl+T and drag the anchor point to enlarge the picture and cover the entire canvas.
3. Set a rectangular selection, activate the rectangular selection, drag the mouse to select the entire canvas, click "Select"-"Shrink" to open the shrink panel, and set the shrink to 100 pixels.
4. Fill the white border, press Ctrl+Shift+N to create a blank layer, press Ctrl+Shift+i to invert the selection, and press Alt+Delete to fill the white border.
5. Shrink the border and move it. Press Ctrl+T to select the white border, drag the anchor point upward to shrink the border, and place it in the middle of the picture.
6. Enter the poster text, activate the text layer, enter the text content on the picture, save the picture and the poster is completed.
A simple tutorial on making posters with PS is as follows: 1. First open a background image in PS, then create a new layer, draw a rectangular selection box, and fill it with white.
2. Import the portrait material.
3. Use the text tool to type text.
4. Use the pen tool to cut out the selection box along the font, delete the selected content, and hide the text.
5. Use the text tool to type text, then type text, and continue to type text.
6. Use the straight line tool to draw two straight lines, and the effect is complete! The tools and skills of PS simple operation skills are: 1. To use the brush tool to draw a straight line, first click on the picture, then move the mouse to another point and hold down Shift
Click the image again, and Photoshop will use the current drawing tool to draw a straight line between the two points.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key at any time to switch to the move tool [V]. Hold down the Ctrl+Alt key and drag the mouse to copy the current layer or selection content.
3. Press and hold the space bar to switch to the Hand Tool [H] (HandTool) at any time.
4. The shortcut key for the zoom tool is "Z". In addition, Ctrl + Spacebar is the zoom tool, and Alt + Spacebar is the zoom out tool.
5. Press the Ctrl+"+" key and the "-" key to enlarge and reduce the image view respectively; correspondingly, press the above hotkey while holding down the Alt key to automatically adjust the window to full screen display (Ctrl+Alt+"+
" and Ctrl+Alt+"-"), this is very useful! 6. When selecting a color with the eyedropper tool, hold down the Alt key to define the current background color.
7. Combining the color sampler tool [Shift+I] (ColorSamplerTool) and the information panel (Window_ShowInfo), we can monitor the color changes of the current picture.
The color value before and after the change is displayed next to its sampling point number on the information panel.
The color mode of the sampling point can be defined through the pop-up menu on the information panel.
To add a new sampling point, just click anywhere on the canvas (using the color sampler tool). Hold down the Alt key and click to remove the sampling point.
8. The Measure Tool [U] (MeasureTool) is very convenient for measuring distances (especially on diagonal lines). You can also use it to measure angles (like a protractor).
First, make sure the information panel [F8] (Window_ShowInfo) is visible.
Select the Measure Tool [U], click and drag out a straight line, hold down the Alt key and drag out a second straight line from the node of the first line, so that the angle between the two lines and the length of the line are displayed in the information panel
PS poster making tutorials and pictures PS poster making tutorials are as follows: Computer: Huawei notebook.
System: win10.
Software: PS.
1. Open the software PS, create a new A4 size canvas, add material background and basketball, Ctrl+T to freely transform and adjust the size and position, adjust the hue and saturation of the basketball with Ctrl+U, Ctrl+Alt+G to create a clipping mask, the parameters are as shown in the figure
2. Shift+Ctrl+Alt+N to create a new layer, Ctrl+Alt+G to create a clipping mask, use the brush tool and eyedropper tool to adjust the color details of the picture, set the layer mode to Overlay, adjust the Ctrl+M curve of the basketball, and adjust the parameters
as the picture shows.