The state has a series of laws, administrative regulations, normative documents, departmental rules and normative documents, as well as supporting policies in the later period to ensure the smooth development and sustainable development of water conservancy project immigrants. If you are an immigrant, you must first have an account within the scope of land acquisition for reservoir construction (the red line of land acquisition) and own property such as houses within the red line before you can determine the eligibility for immigration.
Reservoir immigrants, that is, water conservancy project immigrants, refer to people who have to move their residence to other places because of the needs of water conservancy projects and according to government arrangements, also known as reservoir immigrants. The state has a series of laws, administrative regulations, normative documents, departmental rules and normative documents, as well as supporting policies in the later period to ensure the smooth development and sustainable development of water conservancy project immigrants.
The characteristics of reservoir resettlement are as follows:
1 and the relocation of the long-term reservoir can be roughly divided into three stages: one is the initial flooding treatment stage, which takes about 3-5 years or even longer; The second is the implementation stage of resettlement, which takes about 3-5 years; The third is to support the recovery and development of the production stage in the later stage, which is about 10-20 years.
2. There is compensation. Based on the principles of fairness and market, in order to win the cooperation of the affected population, the project owner generally has to give certain economic compensation to the affected population.
3, government-led, reservoir resettlement is a policy-oriented work, because many large-scale engineering construction departments are initiated by the government or government departments as owners, and the relevant national laws and regulations must be strictly implemented in the process of engineering construction and resettlement.