Every family will have more or less savings. Try to use the monthly income and expenditure savings to make a fixed investment in the fund, and manage these funds effectively, so that your wealth will increase continuously. How to open the fund in the Agricultural Bank? What is the fund rate of Agricultural Bank? Let's take a look at it with us.
How to open the Agricultural Bank Fund
1. Customers of Agricultural Bank Jinsui Card apply to become registered customers of personal online banking or apply for electronic payment cards.
2. Click the following link, log on to the website of the fund company, click the "Online Account Opening" link, read the online transaction agreement carefully and confirm it.
3. Enter information such as name, fund online transaction password, address, ID number and Jinsui card number as prompted. Jinsuika is the only subscription and redemption account for online trading of client funds. If you need to change your subscription or redemption account, please go to the fund company's direct sales outlets with valid certificates.
4. The customer pays an account opening fee of .1 yuan to verify his identity. After the payment is successful, the back-office system of the fund company will open a fund TA account for the customer, and realize the binding of the TA account and the Jinsui card account, and the online account opening is completed.
how to purchase the fund of Agricultural Bank of China
1. Customers log on to the website of the fund company and select "fund online transaction".
2. Log in with the fund account number (ID card) and password, purchase funds and generate orders.
3. Select registered customer payment or electronic payment card payment on the online payment page of Agricultural Bank of China, and confirm to complete the fund purchase.
subscription rate of some agricultural bank funds
agricultural bank growth fund m5, 1.5% .6%
5 ≤ m1, 1.%
1 ≤ m5, .8%
m ≥ 5 million 1 yuan/1 yuan/
.8% .6%
5 ≤ .5% .5%
1 million ≤ .3% .3%
m ≥ 5 million 1 yuan/pen 1 yuan/ Pen
Agricultural Bank of China Balanced Double Benefit Fund M5, 1.5% .6%
5 ≤ M1, 1.%
1 ≤ M5, .8%
M ≥ 5 million 1 yuan/pen 1 yuan/pen
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