the optimal setting of p>MACD indicator parameters (13, 34, 5) means that the time parameter (short-term parameter) is set to 13 days, the time parameter (long-term parameter) of the slow moving average is set to 34 days, and the smooth days (m) are set to 5 days.
The purpose of adjusting the value is to optimize MACD and better track the change of stock price trend. The most accurate MACD index setting needs to be related to the market cycle.
the method is as follows: the time parameter of the first EMA line is set to 1/4 of the length of the dominant period, and the second line is set to 1/2 of the length of the dominant period; The third is the smooth moving average of the difference between the first two lines, regardless of the time period. The third is the slow line. The smaller the value, the more sensitive it is. It should be noted that MACD is a trend indicator, and its main function is different from that of KDJ impact indicator.
Trend indicators are mainly used for trend identification and turnover, while shock indicators respond faster and more frequently to stock prices, so the indicator adjustment of MACD should conform to the characteristics of trend indicators.
the way to capture the best selling point with MACD is as follows: first, adjust the relevant parameters of MACD, and set the fast e-ma parameter of MACD to 8, the slow e-ma parameter to 13, the dif parameter to 9, and the moving average parameter to 5, 1 and 3 respectively. After setting the parameters, you can find the selling point. Because a stock has many selling points, there are only two most popular and commonly used top escape methods: the first selling point or relative top is the relative high point formed by horizontal trading after the stock price skyrockets. Investors, especially those with the largest funds, must sell or reduce their positions at the first selling point. The skill to judge whether the first selling point is established is "stock price sideways and MACD dead fork", that is, when the stock price appears sideways after continuous rise, the 5-day and 1-day moving averages do not form a dead fork, but MACD leads in the dead fork. When the first selling point is formed, it should be sold or reduced. On July 7, Ruha Pharmaceutical also issued the above selling point signal, and its share price also fell for a long time. After the formation of the first virtual wave or absolute top selling point, some share prices did not fall sharply, but after the callback, the main force pretended to break through to make up for the shipment. The last pull-up is the goods made by multiple main forces, also known as virtual wave pull-up. The high point formed at this time will often become the highest point of the bull market wave, so it is also called the absolute high point. If you can't escape smoothly at this time, the consequences will be unimaginable. The skill to judge the establishment of absolute top is "the deviation between price and MACD", that is, when the stock price rises to a new high through imaginary wave, MACD cannot reach a new high synchronously, and the trend of the two deviates, which is a clear signal that the stock price has peaked. This shows that when selling stocks at the absolute top, we can't wait until the MACD is dead, because when the MACD is dead, the stock price has fallen a lot. When selling stocks at the top of virtual volatility, we must refer to the K-line combination. Generally speaking, in the process of virtual wave drawing, if there is a "high opening and low negative line" or a "long lower shadow line", it is the best time to sell. On June 3, 667 showed a false wavelength shadow line and a positive limit line, which also sent a peak signal, and then the stock price continued to fall.