The public * * * maintenance fund refers to the maintenance fund for public * * * parts and * * * facilities and equipment of residential buildings according to the regulations of the Ministry of Construction. The maintenance fund for the sale of public houses by the unit is raised by the unit selling houses and the employees buying houses, and the ownership belongs to the purchaser, which is used for the maintenance and conservation of the public parts of residential buildings and facilities and equipment.
according to relevant regulations, * * * refers to the main load-bearing structural parts of the house (including foundation, internal and external load-bearing walls, columns, beams, floors, roofs, etc.), outdoor walls, hallways, stairwells, corridors, etc. The maintenance fund is used for large and medium-sized repair, renewal and transformation of * * * used parts and * * * used equipment and facilities after the property warranty period expires. When Party B transfers the ownership of the house, the balance maintenance fund will not be returned and will be transferred with the ownership of the house.
Housing maintenance funds include special funds for housing public facilities and housing maintenance funds. The special fund for housing public facilities is referred to as the special fund, which is used for projects such as the renewal and transformation of the parts used by the property, public facilities and equipment, and shall not be used for other purposes. The special fund implements the principle of "money goes with the house". When the house is transferred, the remaining funds in the account are also transferred to the new property owner of the house. Housing maintenance fund, used for major and medium-sized repairs and renovation projects of the main structure, public parts and public facilities and equipment of the house after the warranty period expires.
The main load-bearing structure of the house includes foundation, internal and external load-bearing walls, columns, beams, floors, roofs, etc. Public parts refer to outdoor walls, hallways, stairwells, corridors, etc. Public facilities and equipment refer to water supply and drainage pipelines and equipment, power distribution cables and equipment, elevators, public lighting, fire-fighting facilities, green spaces, roads, ditches, non-operating parking garages, public welfare cultural and sports facilities and other facilities and equipment owned and used by the owner. The maintenance fund is managed by the Housing Authority, and the application process is complicated.