The first divination of the Book of Changes, dry divination. Pure Yang hexagrams represent the sun and the sky at home. Just as celestial bodies maintain vitality through movement, a gentleman should constantly pursue self-improvement. The second one, Kun Yao, represents mother and the earth, and is pure yin Yao. The capacity of the earth is limited, so a gentleman must constantly cultivate his own virtue to undertake the world.
For yang, the earth is yin, static is yin and yang. Laozi said, there are clear, turbid, dynamic and quiet roads, clear and turbid days, quiet days, turbid men and quiet women. Explain that the ancients compared heaven to men and the earth to women. Therefore, men's choice of Yang and women's choice of Yin are determined by natural changes. When heaven and earth meet by chance and everything is born, Tao is used to reflect the law of everything's generation.
Men are generally full of qi and blood, full of qi and blood, physically strong and masculine. Women have fair skin and delicate figure. So-called since ancient times, yang has flourished and yin has declined. Physically, it is, just like the sun and the moon. Chinese medicine corresponds to yin and yang. In fact, there is no reason. The so-called yin and yang is just a statement, just like your name. Just like why chopsticks are called chopsticks instead of bowls. or vice versa, Dallas to the auditorium
Women call it "Yin" and men call it "Yang", which is influenced by the theory of Yin and Yang. To be exact, it was Confucius' Yi Zhuan that explained the Eight Diagrams of Zhouyi with the way of Yin and Yang, and men and women were divided into Yin and Yang.