Current location - Trademark Inquiry Complete Network - Tian Tian Fund - Shanghai Duoshu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) Recruitment Information, How about Shanghai Duoshu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)?
Shanghai Duoshu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) Recruitment Information, How about Shanghai Duoshu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)?

DingTalk Qidian data comes from corporate credit agencies, including corporate risk data, company official website, company profile. For more company recruitment information, please visit the company's official website. For more company phone addresses and corporate emails, you can check the company profile in DingTalk Qidian

:Shanghai Duoshu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) was established on October 21, 2014, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The legal representative is Shanghai Jugu Equity Investment Fund Co., Ltd., and the company address is Luchao, Nanhui New Town, Pudong New Area

Room A-8768, Building 1, No. 1758, Gang Road. The unified social credit code and tax number are 91310115320724171D. The industry is other unspecified business services. The registration authority is the Pudong New Area Market Supervision Bureau. The business scope is investment management and asset management.

Investment consulting, business information consulting, corporate management consulting (the above consulting except brokerage), conference and exhibition services.