1, market risk
The price of Huaxia Fund fluctuates due to various factors, which leads to the risk that the expected annualized income level of the fund will change. The factors that affect the fund price include national macro-policy, economic cycle, expected annualized interest rate changes, operating conditions of listed companies and inflation. These factors will cause the fluctuation of the stock market price, which will lead to the change of the expected annualized income level of the fund.
2. Managing risks
The management level of fund managers will bring risks to investors of Huaxia Fund. For example, the management ability of fund managers determines the expected annualized income of funds, and the operation level of registered institutions directly affects the efficiency of fund subscription and redemption.
3. Risk of unknown transaction price
The purchase and redemption price of Huaxia Fund is calculated according to the net value of fund shares on the day of purchase or redemption, and is calculated after the end of the transaction on that day. Investors do not know this net value at the time of purchase and redemption, and cannot accurately predict the price at which the transaction will be conducted, so they have to bear the risk that the net value of fund shares is uncertain on the day of purchase or redemption.
The main way to avoid the risk of fund investment is to choose funds managed by fund management companies with good reputation, perfect management, rich experience and sound internal control mechanism to invest, and at the same time pay due attention to the invested funds, fund management companies and securities market, and consult and listen to the opinions of investment consultants when necessary.
* * * * Financial Network Tip: The above is an introduction to the investment risks of Huaxia Fund. It seems that investment funds are not risk-free. People who have a more objective and calm analysis of investment risks will choose to diversify their investments. Taking out a financial insurance is a good helper to spread risks.