1. What is fund repurchase?
Regarding what is fund repurchase, the official statement is: If you apply to sell your fund shares at the published price and get back the cash, it is called fund redemption. That is, we are going to talk about "fund repurchase" today. According to whether fund units can be increased or redeemed, funds can be divided into open-end funds and closed-end funds. Open-end fund is the price for applying to sell all or part of your fund to a fund company to redeem you. The amount of redemption proceeds is the number of units that sell the fund multiplied by the net value on the day of sale, and then the redemption fee is deducted. Listed closed-end funds are sold in the same way as ordinary stocks.
Second, how to operate the fund repurchase?
Generally speaking, the subscription and redemption we often talk about are handled in the business place where the sales organization handles the fund sales business or by other means provided by the sales organization. When handling fund redemption, investors need to apply at the original account opening branch, or they can apply for redemption at the website of the relevant fund company or bank.
The fund redemption time is 9: 30- 15: 00 on the trading day of the stock exchange. The application submitted by investors within the specified time on the same day (T day) can generally be queried at the redemption outlets on T+2 and the redemption confirmation form can be printed. Investors who apply for redemption by phone or website can also inquire and print the confirmation form in a corresponding way. The sales organization usually transfers the redeemed funds to the investor's fund account at T+7.
Editor's Note: The above are all about what is fund repurchase and how to operate it. If you want to know more about the fund, please go to the financial column group.