First, most young people don't understand what a fund is. It is true that many young people like to buy funds, but most of them don't know what funds are. Everyone just sees others make money by buying funds in some payment software, and they will follow suit, and even some young people will borrow money to buy funds. It is precisely because these young people don't understand the fund that they are blind when buying and don't understand the future development trend of the fund. In this case, buying a fund is likely to lose money.
Second, young people don't have much principal, and they sell when they see losses. Most young people don't have much principal now. Many young people are moonlight clan every month. They are funds that buy hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars, and what they care about every day is gains and losses. These young people will be happy to see the gains and sad to see the losses, so these funds are always changing the mood of these young people every day. When the losses are serious, these young people will sell them directly. They can't wait for the fund to rise again in the future, so the end result of many young people buying funds is a loss.
Third, it is difficult for young people to insist on buying funds. For people who often buy funds, as we all know, in order to obtain high returns in the fund, long-term fixed investment must be made. However, because these young people have little principal, they can't make regular investments every month, which leads to frequent buying and selling. There will also be a certain handling fee during this period, even if they make a profit, it is only a small part. Many young people will sell their funds when they need money badly. When they want to buy, the price of the fund has gone up.
Young people still don't understand the principle of the fund, so they don't know whether the future will go up or down when they buy it. They will only buy according to the recommendation of some software, which will also cause many young people who buy funds to lose money instead of making money. There are also many young people who buy funds and have risen to a certain height, and then they can only keep losing money.