Generally speaking, it is better for ordinary people to buy funds, because the risks and benefits of funds are less than those of stocks. Secondly, most ordinary people have to go to work, and stocks need to be watched. If they go to work every day to buy stocks and don't stop in time when the stock market is not good, they may suffer heavy losses.
In addition, there are many choices for funds. For example, money funds and pure debt funds are less risky, while mixed funds, index funds and stock funds are more risky. You can choose according to your own situation.
Assuming that his salary is not high, he is just an ordinary migrant worker who can hardly save any money, then you can consider money funds and pure debt funds. These two types of funds are less risky, more likely to make money and less likely to lose money.
If your salary is not bad, you can have some spare money every month besides a little money, and you want to pursue high-yield financial management and take certain risks, then you can consider stock funds. More than 80% of equity funds invest in stocks, which has relatively large risks and returns, and is more suitable for radical investors.
Equity funds mainly invest in stocks, but the risk is not as big as that of stocks, because investing in multiple stocks at the time of investment disperses the risk to a certain extent, and equity funds are managed by fund managers.
The fund manager is a professional investor, and the fund is a fund manager who invests together, which can also reduce the possibility of loss to a certain extent. Therefore, if investors who want to buy stocks are unable to take risks, they can consider stock funds.
If you want to trade stocks now, that's fine, but you should know more about the stock market before trading stocks. For example, when you are trading stocks, you can play the simulated stock market to accumulate experience. When you know more about stocks, you can try to trade stocks.