1, fund selectivity has a stable advantage.
As we all know, the investment direction of the fund is very extensive, and the advantages of selectivity are as follows: on the one hand, in addition to the stock market, it can also invest in bonds and money markets; On the other hand, the same investment direction and different investment directions can be combined, and a fund can cover multiple stocks and bonds.
2. The fund has a stable advantage in professional requirements.
The price fluctuation and risk of the stock market are great, which has certain professional requirements for investors; Fund investment is generally decided by investment managers and fund managers, and investors can invest even if they don't have much investment experience.
3. The fund has strong risk diversification ability.
The fund itself has the ability to spread risks. In addition to stock investment, some stock funds will also invest in bonds and other directions to spread risks. What's more, some funds are less risky than stocks and have advantages in risk.
4. The stability of funds affected by positions has advantages.
The stock price is affected by changes in short positions and multi-positions, and the price changes at any time; Funds are rarely affected by market positions and have strong stability.
5. The fund has a stronger ability to obtain information.
Stock investment is generally an individual investor, and the amount of funds is small, coupled with information asymmetry and other factors, which not only increases the risk, but also limits its investment opportunities; Fund is a collection of multi-person funds, with a large amount of funds, and fund companies have stronger ability to obtain information and more flexible and convenient investment.