The basic medical insurance premiums paid by individual employees are all included in individual accounts. The basic medical insurance premium paid by the employer is divided into two parts, one part is used to establish the overall fund, and the other part is included in the personal account. The proportion of individual accounts is generally about 30% of the employer's contribution, and the specific proportion is determined by the overall planning area according to the payment scope of individual accounts and the age of employees. The overall fund and individual account shall delimit their respective payment ranges, and shall be accounted for separately, and shall not occupy each other. Determine the qifubiaozhun and the maximum payment limit of the overall fund. In principle, the qifubiaozhun is controlled at about 10% of the average annual salary of local employees, and the maximum payment limit is controlled at about 4 times of the average annual salary of local employees.
Medical expenses below Qifubiaozhun shall be paid by personal account or borne by individuals. Medical expenses above Qifubiaozhun and below the maximum payment limit are mainly paid from the overall fund, and individuals also have to bear a certain proportion. Medical expenses exceeding the maximum payment limit can be solved by means of commercial medical insurance. The specific qifubiaozhun, maximum payment limit and personal burden ratio of medical expenses above the qifubiaozhun and below the maximum payment limit of the overall planning fund shall be determined by the overall planning area according to the principle of balance of payments.
legal ground
Social insurance law