For savvy investors, they will pay more attention to the daily income of 1 10,000 shares while paying attention to the 7-day annualized rate of return, and then multiply the daily income of 1 10,000 shares by 365, which is the actual rate of return of current money market funds.
For professional investors, they will also pay attention to the daily income of 10,000 shares during holidays, because fund managers cannot adjust the income of money market funds during holidays, and the income of 10,000 shares during holidays can reflect the static rate of return of fund portfolios. Since ten thousand returns on Saturday and Sunday are generally published together, dividing ten thousand returns on Saturday and Sunday by two and multiplying by 365 is the most real static rate of return of money market fund portfolio.
In short, for investors, the criteria for choosing money market funds should not only look at the 7-day annualized rate of return, but also look at the stability of daily 1 10,000 returns.