If you usually do stocks, generally choose bond funds or hybrid funds, not stock funds, to avoid repeated investment. If you don't invest in other funds, you can choose some growth-oriented investment funds for long-term investment. Choose stock funds of radical small fund companies, invest in some funds that they can bear risks, with high risks and high returns, redeem them in time when the market shows obvious downward trend, buy other wealth management products with stable returns or make flexible deposits to wait for investment opportunities; Then invest the funds (such as some important deposits, etc.) that can't take risks and are not used in the short term. ) in bonds or hybrid funds. Long-term investment can bring you more investment income than bank deposit interest. As a long-term investment, especially the fixed investment of funds, the investment cost can be determined or controlled, because it is not speculation in stocks or futures. For example, the income from three-year investment is more than 10% according to the bank deposit interest, and the redemption fee of the fund is generally 1- 1. 5%, and some even stipulate that no handling fee will be charged or the handling fee will be halved after several years. 5-0。 75% is not a small cost for the income above 10%. Therefore, as a long-term investment, the handling fee is not your primary consideration. If a good fund can help you earn 50% a year, what can you do by giving him 10% commission? If you want to consider the cost, it is not investment. Funds are only investment tools, not for speculation. You can choose other things, such as stocks and futures.