Huaxia Fund ranks first among 20 19 fund companies with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Southern fund ranks second with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Guotai Junan Fund ranks third with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. China Merchants Fund ranks fourth with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Guangfa Fund ranks fifth with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system.
Harvest fund ranks sixth with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. China Europe Fund ranks seventh with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Huaan Fund ranks eighth with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Yin Hua Fund ranks ninth with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system. Dacheng Fund ranks 10th with its professional portfolio management ability, excellent service system and perfect risk control system.
The 20 19 ranking list of fund companies is an important reference for investors' practical guide, which can help investors better understand the strength of fund companies, so as to better choose and invest in funds. When choosing a fund company, investors should choose the right fund company according to their own investment objectives and risk tolerance, combined with the fund company's portfolio management ability, service system and risk control system. In addition, investors should also pay attention to the investment performance of fund companies, as well as the asset scale and management experience of fund companies, in order to better grasp investment opportunities.