Therefore, the choice of funds should be based on personal style. No one can guarantee that the funds will keep rising, which is hard to predict. If the ability to resist risks is poor, then try not to choose that kind of high-risk fund. You can buy bond funds, with higher returns than money funds and lower returns than index funds. These interest rates will be higher than Yu 'ebao, but the risks are also greater. Generally, the yield of bond funds is around 4-20 points, and the yield will be higher if stocks are mixed. If the bond ratio is high, the income of the fund will be lower, but the security will be higher.
Therefore, buying a fund should be based on your own investment and financial management style. If you have a strong ability to resist risks, buy those popular funds, such as liquor sector and medical sector. If the ability to resist risks is poor, you can buy bond funds or money funds. It is safer to hedge risks and buy a little each, so as to ensure that at least one party can make a profit.