What is a quantitative fund?
Quantitative fund is to select those securities whose future returns may exceed the benchmark through mathematical statistics analysis, so as to obtain the returns beyond the index fund, and mainly adopts quantitative investment strategy to manage the portfolio; Looking for investment opportunities through the calculation of quantitative model, and taking this as the final investment decision to manage assets, there is no human operation in the middle, and this kind of fund is usually called pure quantitative operation fund. The other is the integration of the subjective judgment of the fund manager, that is, after the program calculation, the fund manager adds the subjective judgment and finally makes the investment decision. But no matter what kind of quantitative fund, quantitative model is the core. Looking for investment opportunities through the calculation of quantitative model, and taking this as the final investment decision to manage assets, there is no human operation in the middle, and this kind of fund is usually called pure quantitative operation fund. The other is the integration of the subjective judgment of the fund manager, that is, after the program calculation, the fund manager adds the subjective judgment and finally makes the investment decision. But no matter what kind of quantitative fund, quantitative model is the core.