1, relative strength index (RSI): RSI =100-100/(1+RS), where RS = daily average increase/daily average decrease. When RSI exceeds 70, it indicates that the fund is overbought and should be purchased with caution. When the RSI index is lower than 30, it means that the fund is oversold and can increase its position appropriately.
2. moving average (MA): MA = (c 1+C2+…+cn)/n, where Ci represents the net value of the fund on the ith trading day, and n represents the number of days to calculate ma. When the net value of the fund is above MA, it means that the fund is in a rising state and can be appropriately held or increased. When the net value of the fund is below MA, it means that the fund is in a declining state, and it should be cautiously purchased or lightened.
3. bollinger bands: UP = MA+2SD, DN=MA-2SD, where MA stands for middle track, SD stands for standard deviation, UP stands for upper track and DN stands for lower track. When the fund's net value goes up, it means that the fund is overbought and should buy or lighten its position cautiously. When the net value of the fund falls below the track, it means that the fund is oversold and can be held or appropriately increased.