The net value of the debt base is the residual value of the total active share of the fund after deducting the total cost of the active share. Fund net value is an important index to calculate fund return rate and fund valuation. Generally speaking, the higher the net value of a fund, the faster the growth of its investment value. However, investors should note that the net value of the fund is not equal to the net asset value of the fund, which may also contain liquidity or other potential risks. Investors should carefully assess their risk tolerance.
The net value of debt base is usually used by investors to measure the investment value of funds. When the net value of the fund rises, investors usually think that the fund performs well and will attract more investors to participate. However, the net value of the debt base may fluctuate in different periods, which indicates that the risk level of the fund will change. In addition, the net value of the fund is influenced by market factors, so investors should not only make decisions based on the trend of the net value of the fund, but also consider other factors, such as economic development trends and regional policy changes.