Fundamental Analysis
The fundamentals of gold price trend refers to the basic analysis of gold price trend, focusing on the internal factors of political and economic conditions and special gold market conditions among countries and countries (such as gold producing countries and gold consuming countries), and then combining the different attributes of gold to make linkage analysis to determine whether it is suitable to enter the market now.
The fundamental contents generally include political turmoil, gold production, gold reserves of various countries, gold consumption power, American economic strength, global inflation index, interest rate factors of various countries and so on.
Technical analysis
Generally, gold speculators who take technology as the main analysis method of gold price trend need to analyze the daily gold price trend in the market, including the daily opening price, closing price, highest price, lowest price, trading volume and other digital data, and express these data on the K-line chart. We can analyze the trend of gold price through technology, identify the ups and downs of each gold price, so as to make low-sucking and high-selling, thus earning the maximum income.
It is more objective to analyze the trend of gold price from a technical point of view. Because technical analysis is an analysis method based on mathematical statistics theory, each different technical index is composed of different algorithms in statistics, which makes the technical analysis of gold price trend more logical.
Analysis of gold trend chart
1) white curve: it represents the weighted index of the broader market, that is, the actual index of the broader market published by the stock exchange every day.
2) Yellow curve: the market does not contain weighted indicators, that is, regardless of the size of the stock sector, all stocks are regarded as having the same impact on the index to calculate the market index.
3) Red-green column line: There is a red-green column line near the red-white curve, which reflects the trading ratio of all stocks in the market at the moment. The shortening of the growth of the red bar indicates the increase or decrease of purchasing power; The shortening of the growth of the green column line shows the strength of downward selling.
4) Yellow bar line: below the red and white figure, it is used to indicate the turnover per minute, and the unit is hand (each hand is equal to 100 shares).
5) Number of consigned selling lots: it represents the sum of the lots of all stocks in the last three orders after consigning and the last three orders after selling.
6) Commission Proportion Value: it is the ratio of the difference between the number of commission sales hands and their sum. When the commission ratio value is positive, it means that the buyer is stronger and the stock index is more likely to rise; When the commission ratio is negative, it means that the seller is stronger and the stock index is more likely to fall.
Analyze from three aspects