This method is similar to Alipay. This product has a low risk level and belongs to a very low risk product. The expected income is calculated on a daily basis, and users can do whatever they want without any handling fee. Specifically, the fund type purchased by ICBC Balance Wealth Management is money market fund, which is a relatively low-risk fund product among all securities investment funds in the market at present.
Under normal circumstances, its risk and expected expected return will be lower than that of ordinary bond funds, as well as hybrid funds and equity funds. ICBC's balance is guaranteed by financial management, and the expected income is less affected by risk factors; Even if the product does not break the capital, the principal and expected expected income are less affected by risk factors and have high liquidity. ICBC's cash currency mainly invests in financial products, including cash, call deposits, bank time deposits within one year (including one year) and large deposit certificates, with good liquidity and low risk, and the expected income is competitive with bank time deposits.
2. ICBC can buy wealth management products in the following ways: it can buy bond funds, but there are certain risks. You need to keep an eye on the news and current events in this area. The advantage of purchasing Tong Ling Express series products lies in higher income than current storage and real-time receipt. Money fund, due to the hot market and great liquidity, will reduce its income when it enters the interest rate reduction cycle; Bank time deposit is a good choice, giving consideration to safety, liquidity and profitability;