With your monthly income, if you are looking for low-risk and low-return funds, you can choose monetary funds to invest, such as ICBC Credit Suisse Bank and Huaan Cash Fuli.
If you are not very sensitive to risks, you can pay attention to Shenwan Paris New Power, South High Growth, Guangfa Steady and other funds. Now the stock market is a long-term bull market, short-term shocks, and now the time to start is ok. If these funds are held for a long time, the yield will be higher than that of time deposits.
Finally, there are certain risks. I suggest that when you make a fixed investment in the fund, you should take a long-term view and don't care too much about short-term ups and downs. If you have time, go to the ICBC website or personal online banking to see more about the history of each fund, which will better help you choose the appropriate fixed investment varieties.