Funds can be divided into on-site funds and off-site funds. If you want to buy domestic reits funds, you can pay attention to the dynamics of on-site funds and off-site funds. Take Alipay, an OTC fund, as an example. Just log in to Alipay APP and go directly to the fund page to buy reits funds, which is the same as buying funds normally, and so is OTC funds.
There are two channels to buy reits funds in China: on-site fund subscription and off-site fund subscription, so their trading platforms are different. Details are as follows:
The trading platform of on-site funds refers to funds traded on exchanges, which are generally traded in the trading software APP of securities companies.
Off-exchange funds are generally in third-party financial platforms such as Alipay, WeChat, Bank and Tian Tian Fund.
These trading platforms can buy reits funds, which can be seen by directly searching reits funds, and then the purchase method is the same as usual.
Summary: domestic reits funds can be purchased off-site For example, OTC funds are generally traded in the trading software APP of securities companies, while OTC funds are generally traded in third-party financial platforms such as Alipay, WeChat, Bank and Tian Tian Fund.
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