Large-cap stocks: stocks with a cumulative market value percentage of less than or equal to 70%, that is, the cumulative ratio is less than or equal to 70%.
Mid-cap stocks: stocks with a cumulative market value percentage of 70%-90%, that is, stocks that meet 70%.
Small-cap stocks: stocks with a cumulative market value percentage greater than 90%, that is, stocks that meet Cum-ratio >; 90% 。
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Precautions for purchasing funds:
1. To buy a fund, you must first open a fund account, which can be opened in a bank or a fund company.
2. According to your own risk tolerance, choose a fund suitable for your own situation to invest. When buying a fund online, investors are generally assessed for risk, so it is necessary to assess whether investors are suitable to buy the fund.
3. Know what kind of fund you are buying, whether it is a closed-end fund or not. At the same time, we should know that the income of the fund is related to the net growth rate, which can be used as a data reference when purchasing.