Depends on investment objectives, risk tolerance and market trends.
Whether to insist on holding Bosera Hong Kong Stock Leading Trend Hybrid A Fund depends on investment objectives, risk tolerance and market trends.
The fund's performance over the past one, three and five years has been negative, which will have a certain impact on the fund's future performance.
The volatility of the Hong Kong stock market and the linkage with the international market also need to be considered.
Evaluate your investment portfolio regularly to ensure it matches your investment objectives, risk tolerance and market trends.
If you have confidence in the future performance of the Hong Kong stock market and the fund, consider continuing to hold the fund.
Uncertain about the direction of the market or dissatisfied with the fund's performance, consider selling or reallocating the portfolio.
Investment involves risks, and you should carefully consider your risk tolerance and investment purposes when choosing investment products.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket and diversify your investments to reduce risk.