Distinguish between primary and secondary knowledge points
Combining with the exam outline, we can distinguish between primary and secondary knowledge points, so that we can prepare for the exam more efficiently. Official textbooks and exam outlines are very important review materials, so we should make full use of them.
Review the knowledge points of each chapter comprehensively.
Review the knowledge points in each chapter comprehensively, and constantly check and fill in the gaps. In the process of learning, we should pay attention to understanding and application, mark the places we don't understand in time, and focus on learning. In the sprint stage, we should review our knowledge comprehensively, and at the same time, pay attention to checking and filling gaps, and improve our comprehensive application ability by analyzing the causes of wrong questions.
Master exam-taking skills
It is also important to master some test-taking skills. For example, arrange the time reasonably, pay attention to the examination and the way of answering questions. These skills can help you better cope with the exam and improve the correct rate.