
If your subconscious "wealth blueprint" is not to "set" the goal of success, then no matter what you learn, what you know and what you do, it will have no effect.

But generally speaking, the rich have certain ways of thinking, while the poor think in a completely different way. These ways of thinking determine their actions and therefore their results.

The moral of this story is simple: If you want to rise to a higher level of life, you must give up some old ways of thinking and being, and accept new ways. The final result will prove everything for you.

the first article? Getting rich with your wealth blueprint is actually a psychological game

In fact, your personality, thoughts and beliefs determine how high your achievements can be.

the rule of getting rich: your income can only be increased to the extent that you are most willing to do!

the law of getting rich: if you want to change the fruit, you must first change its roots; If you want to change what you can see, you must first change what you can't see.

We live in at least four different quadrants: the material world, the spiritual world, the emotional world and the spiritual world.

the law of getting rich: money is a result; Wealth is a result; Health is a result; Being sick is a result; Your weight is also a result. We live in a world where there are causes and consequences.

no matter what the result is, whether it is rich or poor, good or bad, positive or negative, you should always remember one truth: your external world is just a reflection of your internal world. If your external life is not good, it is because your internal life is not smooth. It's that simple.

this is the future we want to see.

This is my manifesto: "My inner world created my outer world." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

get rich declaration: give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial situation for the rest of your life.

the law of getting rich: ideas produce feelings, feelings produce actions, and actions produce results.

the law of getting rich: if our subconscious mind has to choose between deep-rooted emotion and cold and hard logic, emotion will win almost every battle.

The constraints on your subconscious mind determine your thoughts; Your thoughts determine your choice; Your choice determines your actions, and your actions determine your results.

There are four key factors about change, namely, awareness, understanding, drawing a clear line and resetting.

according to the principle of the law of ideas, you will get what you expect.

the rule of getting rich: if your motivation is not positive, for example, you want to subdue out of fear or anger, or you just want to "prove" yourself and succeed, then your money will never bring you happiness.

if you believe that you are rich, you will also rationalize that belief and create abundance. Why? Because "abundance" will become your root and naturally become your lifestyle.

This is my declaration: Please put your hand on your heart and say loudly, "The concept of money I imitate is theirs. I have to choose my own way now. " Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

this is my declaration: please put your hand on your heart and say, "I want to let go of my previous money experiences that have no positive significance, and I want to create a new and prosperous future." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Your wealth blueprint will determine your financial life and even affect your life.

the rule of getting rich: if you want to completely change the indoor temperature, the only way is to reset the thermostat. Similarly, the only way to "completely" change your financial performance is to reset your financial thermostat, that is, your wealth blueprint.

Rule of getting rich: Being conscious means that you can always watch your thoughts and actions, so that you can make the choices you really want, instead of being manipulated by past settings.

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I observe my thoughts by myself and only accept those that make me more powerful." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

the second article? Wealth files? Seventeen different ways of thinking and behaviors for the rich and the poor

The rule of getting rich: You can choose the way of thinking that will encourage you to achieve happiness and success, and abandon the way of thinking that cannot support you to achieve happiness.

Wealth File 1

Rich people believe: "I create my life."

The poor believe: "Life happens to me."

you must believe that only you can cause your own success, only you can cause your mediocrity, and only you can cause yourself to work hard for money or have a boundless future. Whether for conscious or unconscious reasons, your state of life is caused by yourself.

three characteristics of the poor: blaming (people and things), rationalizing (finding reasons) and complaining.

the rule of getting rich: money is too important where it can play a role; Where it doesn't work, it doesn't matter at all.

the rule of getting rich: when you complain, you are actually attracting more "bad things" into your life.

if you stop just thinking about the bad things that happened to you-and stop attracting them, you will be surprised at how good your life can be.

the rule of getting rich: there is no such thing as a "rich victim"!

You should get your strength back now and realize that everything you have and everything you don't have in your life is your own making. You should know that you created your wealth, your poverty and all the states between poverty and wealth.

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I create my own financial hierarchy!" " Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 2

Rich people play money games to win.

the poor play money games so as not to lose.

the rule of getting rich: if your goal is to live comfortably, you will probably never have money. But if your goal is to make a lot of money, you are likely to end up feeling extremely comfortable.

now you know why. You will get what you really want. If you want to be rich, your goal must be to become rich, not to have enough money to pay bills or just to live a comfortable life. Being rich means being rich!

This is my declaration: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "My goal is to become a multimillionaire at least!" " Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 3

Rich people try to make themselves rich.

the poor always want to be rich.

the rule of getting rich: most people can't get what they want, and the biggest reason is that they don't know what they want.

the rule of getting rich: if you don't want to create wealth wholeheartedly and sincerely, you probably won't create much wealth.

once you really devote yourself wholeheartedly, the universe will come to help you.

from the moment a person really puts himself into it, God's will will follow suit. Since that decision, a series of events have started, and all kinds of different and unpredictable events, personal encounters and material assistance have come one after another, gathering together to help him in a way he never dreamed of.

In other words, the universe will help you, guide you, support you and even work miracles for you. But, first, you must invest yourself first!

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I am committed to becoming rich." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 4

Rich people think big.

the poor think very little.

the rule of getting rich: your income is directly proportional to the value that the market thinks you produce.

Small thoughts and actions will only lead to poverty and a lack of sense of accomplishment. Think big, think big, and you will have money and meaning in life.

This is my declaration: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I want to play big! I choose to help thousands of people! " Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 5

Rich people focus on opportunities.

the poor focus on obstacles.

"What you focus on will expand."

I tell you: if you want to be rich, focus on making money, saving money and investing. You can read 1 books about success and take 1 courses about success, but the essence of everything is in that sentence. Remember, what you focus on will expand.

step onto the corridor. You never know what door will open to you.

"Action is always better than no action."

Rich people jump at opportunities, so they get richer and richer. As for the poor, they are still "preparing"!

Wealth File 6

Rich people appreciate other rich people and successful people.

the poor hate the rich and the successful.

money is power, and you must have reasonable ambition to have it!

I want you to practice appreciating the rich, blessing them and loving them. In this way, you will subconsciously know that when you have money, others will appreciate you, bless you and love you, instead of hating you to death, just like the way you treat them now.

the rule of getting rich: bless what you want.

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I admire rich people!" " "I wish the rich!" "I love rich people!" "I want to be as rich as them!" Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 7

Rich people associate with positive and successful people.

the poor associate with negative people or unsuccessful people.

You should be a model, be successful and be happy, so that maybe others will see the light (inside you) and then want a little light.

energy is contagious.

I hope you heard the point. Don't mock the rich, take them as models. Don't run away from the rich, get to know them. Don't say, "Wow, they are so special." Instead, say, "If they can do it, so can I." Then, if you want to touch a millionaire, you can touch yourself!

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I regard the rich and successful people as models." "I associate with rich people and successful people." "If they can do it, so can I!" Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 8

Rich people are willing to publicize themselves and their values.

poor people regard sales promotion and publicity as bad things.

Rich people are usually excellent propagandists, and they are also willing to promote their products, services and ideas with enthusiasm. And they also know how to package themselves in an attractive way.

the rule of getting rich: leaders earn far more money than followers!

if you believe that the service you can provide can really help others, it is your responsibility to let more people know about it. In this way, you can not only help others, but also make a lot of money!

This is my declaration: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I sell my value to others with great enthusiasm." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 9

Rich people are bigger than their problems.

the poor are less than their problems.

Rich people and successful people are bigger than their problems; But the poor and unsuccessful people are less than their problems.

the rule of getting rich: the secret of success is not to run away from problems and not to shrink back in front of them; The secret of success is that you have to grow up and make yourself bigger than everything else.

the rule of getting rich: if there is a big problem in your life, it only shows one thing: you are very young!

after all, if you can become a master of solving problems and overcoming obstacles, then what can hinder your success? No! If nothing can stop you, you are invincible! If you become invincible, what choices can you have in life? You can have all the choices. Because you are invincible, everything is yours, you just have to make a choice, and it is yours! What a great freedom!

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I am bigger than any problem." "I can solve any problem." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 1

Rich people are great recipients.

the poor are poor recipients.

the rule of getting rich: if you say you are valuable, you are valuable; If you say you are worthless, then you are not. Then you will live according to your version of the story.

the rule of getting rich: if a 1-foot-high oak tree has the same mind as human beings, it can only grow to ten feet at most.

the law of getting rich: as long as there is a giver, there is a receiver; And the opposite of every receiver is a giver.

the rule of getting rich: money will only expand your existing self.

the rule of getting rich: the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.

Now you just need to remember one thing, that is, keep saying "thank you", and say "thank you" whenever you receive any blessing.

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I am a great receiver. I am very open and willing to accept a lot of money into my life. " Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 11

Rich people choose to get paid according to the results.

the poor choose to be paid according to time.

the law of getting rich: there is nothing wrong with having a stable salary unless it prevents you from earning the money you deserve with your own ability-the problem is that the concept of "stable salary" often prevents you from making more money.

the rule of getting rich: never set a ceiling for your income.

if you just work for others and get paid, then you will never have money. If you are looking for a job, make sure you are paid a percentage. Otherwise, be your own boss!

This is my manifesto: Please put your hand on your heart and say, "I will get paid according to my performance results." Now, touch your head and say, "This is the head of a rich man!" "

Wealth File 12

The rich man thought, "How can I have both?"

The poor man thought, "How to choose one?"

the rule of getting rich: the rich believe that "you can have your cake and eat it."

if you really want to.