Generally speaking, many traditional hedge funds will adopt M&A arbitrage and convertible bond arbitrage strategies. M&A arbitrage strategy is to short the acquired company and buy more acquired companies at the same time. The arbitrage strategy of convertible bonds is usually to buy convertible bonds and short the underlying stocks at the same time, thus locking in the income. However, Alphadel Capital found that there were loopholes in both strategies, so Alphadel Capital launched a multi-strategy systematic hedge fund, namely "Afad Fund". Its management scale in Hong Kong is $2 billion, and its income in the second year exceeds 18%, while the comprehensive index compiled by traditional hedge fund research companies has only 9.6% in the same period.
The clients of Alphadel Capital are mainly institutional investors, such as pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds and sovereign wealth funds. Foreign shares are no longer accepted.
Irish geological survey
Australian geological survey
Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources