The latest interest rate: the annual interest rate for the first period is 3.35%, and the annual interest rate for the second period is 3.52%. The issuance of savings treasury bonds (certificate type) is divided into two phases, with a maximum issuance amount of 30 billion yuan. The first phase of treasury bonds issuance amount is 15 billion yuan, with a term of 3 years and an annual coupon rate of 3.35%; the second phase of treasury bonds issuance The amount is 15 billion yuan, the term is 5 years, and the annual coupon rate is 3.52%.
Extended information:
There are three types of Chinese treasury bonds: certificate treasury bonds, bearer (physical) treasury bonds, and book-entry treasury bonds.
Certificate-type treasury bonds: refer to treasury bonds issued by the state by filling in treasury bill receipts instead of printing physical bonds. It is in the form of a treasury bond collection voucher as proof of creditor's rights. It cannot be transferred on the market, and interest is calculated from the date of purchase. During the holding period, if the coupon holder needs to get cash under special circumstances, he can go to the purchasing outlet to redeem it in advance. When redeeming in advance, in addition to repaying the principal, interest is calculated based on the actual number of days of holding and the corresponding interest rate grade.
Bearer treasury bonds: They are physical treasury bonds. They are treasury bonds issued by recording the creditor's rights in the form of physical coupons (the issuance year, face amount, etc. are printed on the face of the coupon) without recording the name of the creditor or the name of the company. , also known as physical coupons. It is the national bond with the longest history of issuance in our country.
Book-entry treasury bonds: also known as paperless treasury bonds, are accurately defined as bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance in a paperless manner, with claims recorded using computer accounting methods, and can be traded on the market.
Repayment method
Gradual repayment method. That is, several principal repayment periods are specified for a kind of national debt until the principal is paid off when the national debt matures.
Lottery round repayment method. That is, by regularly drawing lots according to the national debt numbers to determine the repayment of a certain proportion of the national debt until the end of the repayment period and all the national debt has been repaid.
Lump-sum repayment method upon maturity. That is to say, the national debt will be repaid in full at the face value on the maturity date.
Market purchase and sale repayment method. That is, treasury bonds are bought back from the securities market so that by the time they expire, all such treasury bonds are held by the government.
Replacing the old with the new is the method of repayment. That is, by issuing new government bonds to exchange for the expired old government bonds.
Source of funds
Expenditure through budget. The government includes the annual national debt repayment amount as an item of fiscal expenditure in the current year's expenditure budget, and normal fiscal revenue ensures the repayment of the national debt.
Use fiscal surplus. When there is a surplus as a result of budget execution, this surplus is used to repay the principal and interest of the national debt maturing that year.
Establish a sinking fund. The government budget sets up a special fund to repay the national debt, and allocates special funds from fiscal revenue every year to establish a fund specifically for the repayment of the national debt.
Borrow new debts to repay old debts. The government issues new bonds as a source of funds to repay old debts. The essence is an extension of debt maturity.