Are tiered funds suitable for fixed investment?
Are tiered funds suitable for fixed investment?
Graded funds include parent funds and stable sub-funds (A) With the aggressive sub-fund (B), the suitability of the three types of funds and fixed investment is as follows:
1. Parent fund: The parent fund of the graded fund is an ordinary index fund. For an ordinary index fund, we You can choose the appropriate fund from which to bid.
2 Steady sub-fund: Not suitable for fixed investment, because this type of share earns fixed interest, and instead of separate fixed investment, it is better to invest more points at once.
3 Aggressive sub-funds: Not suitable for fixed investment. This type of fund has a certain degree of leverage. When the net value of the fund is too low, it will discount. Discounting means combining fund shares to increase the net value of each unit. The discount is based on the net value of B shares, not the trading price. In actual practice, the trading price of B shares is often higher than the net value, causing greater losses to investors.
If so, approximately how much?