Are Harbin Bank’s structured deposits safe?
Take Harbin Bank as an example. For the one-year structured deposits sold by the bank, the bank’s advertised interest rate is the guaranteed interest rate shown in the product contract. Overall, the expected income of this product is still attractive, so it How risky is it?
Let’s first understand what structured deposits are. Structured deposits mean that part of the principal is invested in ordinary deposits, and part of the principal is invested in high-risk assets such as exchange rates, interest rates, and indices to obtain higher expected returns. Therefore, structured deposits have two expected returns. Invest in ordinary deposits to ensure guaranteed interest, and invest in high-risk assets to obtain the bank's advertised interest rate.
To put it simply, the additional investment in structured deposits cannot guarantee a guaranteed profit, and the maximum expected return may not be reached. However, the guaranteed expected return of Harbin Bank's structured deposits is also much higher than the one-year time deposit interest rate. If the floating expected return part makes money, the actual expected return will be even more, and the overall investment value is still good.
In general, as long as Harbin Bank’s structured deposits are truly structured deposits, investors can at least obtain guaranteed expected returns. The floating expected returns are determined based on the underlying market conditions, and it is possible to obtain higher expectations. Yield, suitable for investors who have requirements for expected income.