Top Ten Shareholders of Sinosteel Tianyuan
Rank the number of shareholders (shares) in the total share capital, increase or decrease the shareholding ratio (change ratio of shares) 1 A shares circulating in sinosteel, China Limited, 26,689 restricted shares, 147 26.77% 5, 159. 147 23.96% 2 China Steel Maanshan Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd. circulating A shares 8,251429 8.28% unchanged -3 AVIC Securities-Pudong -AVIC Jin Hang No.5 collective asset management plan circulating restricted shares 2, 500 shares 000 2.5 1% Newcomer -4 Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional-General Insurance Products-019L-CT006550001.91%Newcomer -8 Maanshan Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. Limited by Circulation/Kloc- 528 1. 18% unchanged-10 National Social Security Fund Council transferred circulating A shares1.1542861.16% unchanged-total-44.