1. GP: GeneralPartner: generally refers to the management institution or natural person of equity investment funds, abbreviated as GP in English. The general partner shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the partnership, and the limited partner shall be liable for the debts of the partnership to the extent of the capital contribution subscribed.
2. LP: Limitedpartner, that is, institutional investors and individual investors such as enterprises, financial and insurance institutions who participate in the investment, or partners who are legally converted into limited partners with the unanimous consent of other partners, are legally recognized as partners with no civil capacity or limited civil capacity. These people only bear limited liability.
3. A limited partnership consists of a general partner and a limited partner. The general partner shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the partnership, and the limited partner shall be liable for the debts of the partnership to the extent of the capital contribution subscribed.
4. A limited partner shall not represent the limited partnership enterprise without performing partnership affairs.