How long does it take for ABC to confirm the purchase of funds?
Confirmation on the next trading day. When to buy a fund at the Agricultural Bank of China is determined. First, it depends on the time to buy, and second, it depends on the type of fund to buy. All fund trading applications accepted by the Bank on that day (except QDII funds) will be confirmed on the next open day. The QDII fund transaction application accepted by the bank on the same day will be confirmed on the second open day after the application.
Funds confirm their shares on T+2 days after subscription, and many fund companies confirm their shares on T+ 1 day, depending on the actual confirmation time of the relevant funds. It is stipulated that the fund manager shall confirm the validity of subscription and redemption within three working days from the date of receiving the application from investors.
Open-end fund subscription trading hours are from 9:30 to 16:00 on the trading day, and other trading hours are from 9:30 to 15:00 on the trading day. The time for handling the fund consignment business shall be subject to the time agreed in the fund contract or the sales announcement announced by the fund manager.
Agricultural Bank funds are divided into closed-end funds and open-end funds. After buying, the exchange rules are different. Open-end funds can apply for redemption at any time, and the funds applied for transfer can be part or all of a fund in the fund account.