First, the meaning is different.
Foundation; Create; Fund (Association).
Bottom; Base; Cardinal number; Baseline; Baseball; Alkali
on the basis of ...
Mean; Immoral.
Noun (short for noun)? Foundation; According to; Basement.
Second, the usage is different.
As a noun, it means "foundation". When Foundation is used in a specific sense, it focuses on strengthening the foundation or foundation of a building; When used as a metaphor, it is basically the same as basis.
How long will it take to finish digging the foundation?
How long does it take to dig the foundation?
He laid the foundation for success through study and hard work.
He laid the foundation for success through study and hard work.
The basic meaning of base is "base, base", which generally refers to the bottom and base of concrete and tangible things; It can also be used as a metaphor for the basis of theory or discussion. Base can also be interpreted as "base", which refers to a military or industrial base.
Base is a countable noun, which can be preceded by a or the, and can be used as subject or object in a sentence.
When base is used as a verb, it means "based on", which refers to some conclusions drawn by people according to certain objective laws or their own personal experiences. Foundation is often used as the foundation of immaterial structure, which can be material or immaterial.
Base is a transitive verb, which is often used with on. As the solution of "base on ...", it is often used in passive structures.
Base often refers to the tangible foundation, focusing on the foundation that constitutes or supports a specific object. It can also refer to a military base or be used as a metaphor. Foundation often refers to intangible foundation, which is mainly used as abstract or extended meaning;
Military base refers to military base, and economic base and superstructure refer to economic base and superstructure;
The plural forms of base and basis are both base, with the former pronounced as ['beisiz] and the latter pronounced as ['beisi:z].
I found a small leaf at the bottom of the flower.
I found a small leaf at the bottom of that flower.
Our mission was over and we returned to our base.
Our mission was over and we returned to the base.
Basic meaning refers to the "reason" for people to take action; Career "can also refer to the" benchmark "for people to organize, arrange and operate something; Guidelines; Mode ",when doing these two solutions, basis is a singular noun. Foundation can also refer to the "main component and the most important part" of things, from which things can be formed, started and developed. Basis is a countable noun, often used in singular form and sometimes used as an uncountable noun.
In the expressions of "full-time" and "international", the article A or an cannot be omitted;
The expression on an /an ... is more complicated, for example, their full-time job is more concise than their full-time job.
His research forms the basis of his new book.
His research results are the basis of his new book.
We came to this conclusion on the basis of experiments.
We came to this conclusion on the basis of experiments.
Third, the emphasis is different.
As a noun, it means "foundation". When Foundation is used in a specific sense, it focuses on strengthening the foundation or foundation of a building; When used as a metaphor, it is basically the same as basis.
As a noun, it means "foundation". Base focuses on the foundation that constitutes or supports a specific object, and can also refer to a military base or be used as a metaphor.
As a noun, it means "foundation". Basis is mainly used for abstract or extended meaning.