In p>1995, American scientist Mulis won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for inventing PCR technology. The necessary conditions for PCR and DNA replication in organisms include DNA polymerase, template DNA, energy, free deoxynucleotides and so on.
the nobel prize in chemistry is one of the five prizes founded by the fund based on part of the legacy of alfred bernhard nobel (1833-1896), a famous Swedish chemist and inventor of nitroglycerin explosives. Nobel prizes include gold medals, certificates and bonus checks.
The amount of the Nobel Prize depends on the income of the foundation, ranging from about 11, pounds (US$ 31,) to 3, pounds (US$ 72,). Due to inflation, the face value of bonuses has increased year by year, initially about 3, US dollars, 75, US dollars in the 196s and 22, US dollars in the 198s.
different awards and medals have different back decorations. The design of each award certificate also has its own style. The award ceremony is grand and simple, and the number of people attending it is limited to 1,5 to 1,8 each year. Men should wear tuxedos or national costumes, and women should wear serious evening dresses. The white flowers and yellow flowers used in the ceremony must be airlifted from San Morey, which means respect for knowledge.
1. What international economic or political organizations are there in the world today?
According to different functions and activities,